In a strange turn of events, my husband has fallen asleep on the couch, and I am still awake. We have been married for 8.5 years now, and I don't think I have ever seen him fall asleep before 9:00 before. This is a role reversal, I am usually the one falling asleep on the couch.
If you are just tuning in, I wrote a sunday thoughts blog a few weeks ago, and this is the second in the series. Mostly I couldn't come up with a better name for the eclectic group of information that I wanted to write about. So, this seems like the best solution.
We just finished our youth/young adult conference last night at our church. I love things like that. I love seeing young people make life changing decisions. I love the music, I love the preaching. I love that I am not a teenager anymore. I love that even though I do try to look "cool", I don't really have to worry because as soon as anyone finds out I have four young children they are just amazed that I actually took a shower and left my house.
The funniest part of the weekend was on Thursday and Friday night during the worship service. I think about 6 boys, all over 6' 4" came and stood right in front of me. I am not tiny, I am 5'5", but I have never felt so invisible. They just kept backing up and backing up into me, which was so awkward I got a serious case of the giggles. Then THEY RAISED THEIR HANDS! If you can't picture that imagine me standing right in their armpit, and you can see why I found the whole thing so awkward. The guy that was closest to me finally bumped his back on my nose at which point he turned around, horrified that he had not even seen me there. But then he promptly turned around and moved about an inch away from me and carried on just as he was before he bumped me. You may have had to be there, but it still makes me giggle a little thinking about it.
The other funny thing about youth conferences is all of the adults at the conference. There are the speakers that you can tell have to spend lots of money on their clothes, and hair product to stay trendy. I want to say that I do see the value in trying to stay somewhat current with the trends, kids do listen if they know you are trying. However, I do find it a bit awkward when the trend is skinny jeans on not so skinny bodies. nuff said. (not really nuff said - when they don't fit properly, you have to pull your pants up all the time and there is a mild amount of discomfort at the thought of those pants falling off here in front of God and everyone)
Anyway, once I found the clothes I thought I could wear without looking like a mom who is ready to clean up puke and put away laundry for 8 hours straight - I went and had a lovely time.
I love having my girls there for the services - I love that they already have role models that they watch when the worship service is happening. Emma points her finger and makes declarations, and on the slow songs she crosses her hands over her heart and rocks back and forth. I try not to make a deal out of it for fear that she will think it is "cute" and she stops doing it genuinely from her heart. But I do peek out of the corner of my eye just to watch her. It is beautiful.
The boys are going to be 6 months old in a week or so. They are so charming, and sweet. I still want to bite them all the time. There are so many times I wish I could freeze everyone just where they are. Well, maybe freeze them but they could already be potty trained. It would be no fun to have a frozen toddler who didn't know how to use the potty.
Anyway, I am getting tired and Shawn is hitting his deep sleep. I could do what he has done and leave me on the couch only to wake up at 3:00 AM and think "how did I get here??"