I attended a high school graduation last night. It all sounds so promising, and it should. Reach your indescribable potential, you are exceptional, your options are limitless.... you know, you have been to high school graduations too.
There is nothing wrong with these thoughts, I actually believe them.
I think that if I could sit one on one with each of those students I would whisper, shout, send smoke signals, rent a plane and write it in the sky:
This whole thing of life is managing crisis isn't it? It is riding those waves of our emotions. The success the failure, the win, the loss.
I am forty something now. I like to think that I am at half time. God willing I have another forty something years or more left to be married to my husband, and to be mom to my kids, to the best of my ability be a voice of hope to the next generation.
If this is half time - then my coach is up in my face right now shouting at me:
"Fix your attitude Harvey!"
"Get up off the mat! Start swinging again!"
"You believed this stuff once. Pull yourself together and reach again for those dreams!"
Why wouldn't I?
Because life has come and taken a big, shark size bite right out of my dreams from time to time. Never mind my dreams, it has taken a bite out of me. I have choices to make.
I was talking to an older lady in our church, She has to be pushing 80ish. I was telling her how much I admired her joy and enthusiasm. She smiled, and with all of her beautiful wisdom and kindness she said "It's a choice".
Bitterness is so deadly. It sets its traps everywhere.
Grief - the ones we love leave us, through death or decisions.
Loss - Relationships that we thought would be with us forever, end or fade through erosion or betrayal.
Financial Hardship - the slow wearing down of not having enough, or just enough to get by -day after day, week after week, year after year.
Anger - opportunities that pass us by and are offered to others, the perception that everyone else is somehow managing to live a better, easier life than we are.
Disappointment - Expectations for things to be different slowly wear down our resolve to hope for something more.
Criticism - A heart entrenched in bitterness cannot celebrate what is happening in other people's lives. It hurts too much. It is easier to find reasons to bite in the same way we feel bitten.
Resignation - The systematic numbing with all of its vices that lure me into settling for a mediocre life that is afraid to hope.
You may think of more, but these are the main ones that I see.
The storms come. I didn't get married until I was 33, my heart was shattered a couple of times in the waiting. When I did finally meet the man I would marry, it was one short week into our engagement when my mom was diagnosed with terminal cancer. We endured 6 years of infertility - an eternity of waiting each month to find out if I would ever be a mom. Many personal struggles that cannot be mentioned. Then the day to day struggles that require all sorts of attention. Life takes its heavy toll sometimes.
Bitterness is waiting with it's crosshairs on every heart that wants to accomplish anything of significance in this life.
Because our hearts are beautiful. Valuable. Irreplaceable.
If not, we would not be instructed to guard them above all else.
Guard them from what?
The poison of disappointment, fear, anger, all of it.
I remember reading the verse "those who hope in me will not be disappointed". At the time, I was disappointed. Bitterly disappointed. But thankfully that was not the end of the story. It doesn't say "those who hope in Me will never be disappointed with anything". I think the implication is that if we hang in there, eventually things will work themselves out. I can certainly say so in my life. I am not even a little disappointed now. But 10 years ago? A very different story.
The Bible calls bitterness a root. Meaning, we get our nourishment from the soil of negativity and unbelief.
I am certainly not trying to simplify complex issues down to sheer will power - but there is a time that hard choices need to be made. I don't like the person I become when I choose bitterness.
So, I must, in spite of all that is going on, choose joy. choose hope. choose life.
Then, only then, can I smile at the days to come. Fulfill my limitless potential and all of that other great valedictorian stuff that fills us all with hope for the future.
So here I go -
I declare war on all that makes me smaller, meaner, more critical, less understanding, less hopeful.
I declare war on the fear of failure or even success, the fear of pain and loss, the fear of set back, trials and opposition.
I declare war of the enemy of my soul - The one who would stop me from becoming the God breathed woman I am supposed to be.
I will be grateful - the cure, as far as I can see, for bitterness.
I pray that in my sunset years, and all of the years in between, I will always be able to smile, laugh from my belly button, speak faith, encourage deeply, believe in impossibles, and love genuinely.
My God is worth it, my husband is worth it, my children are worth it, my friends are worth it, my students are worth it. I will be a fragrance of freedom instead of a life swallowed in bitterness.
Even if it is cliche - I will dream, reach for the stars, be extraordinary, you know the drill.
Who is with me?