How about this for a random thought? The other day I was making plum jam. It takes a little bit of effort because you have to pit the plums to get them ready for the rest of the process. The whole thing can be a bit mindless, so I found myself thinking about seeds. Then watermelons. Then seedless watermelons. Where did seedless watermelons come from anyway? Why aren't other fruits seedless? Who thought to do that? Why did they do that? Are you following so far?
Why would they make watermelons seedless? Because seeds are inconvenient.
I snorted a little to myself with the realization. If ever there was a picture of a selfish generation it is the seedless watermelon. Isn't that what you think every time you eat a modern watermelon?
There is so much right going on in our generation (I mean the people breathing air on the planet right now), I will never be a doom sayer or a "what happened to the good ol' days" person. These are great days to be alive.
But try to have children and see what kind of conversations you get into. Or, for example, try to take your small tribe of 6 to an ice cream parlour and watch a 70 year old couple take one look at you and your little army and rush to cut in line so they don't have to waste their time while each child decides if they want bubble-gum or strawberrry. This is a true story from my summer and it isn't an isolated one.
Some people struggle when children enter the scene. I totally understand.
They are loud.
They are demanding.
They can be aggressive.
They are so, so messy.
They are indecisive.
They don't let you sleep when you want to.
They don't let you sit down when you want to.
They kind of require that you are the grown up, and you don't really get to be the spoiled one. Kind of, ever.
They point out, seemingly at every turn, how much their presence requires me to "get over myself" and do what is right for them.
It almost seems easier to just not.
Why would we put ourselves through this? Day after day. I am a feeding, cleaning, negotiation machine. I am tired and overwhelmed often.
What is the point?
The point is that in every way, I am a better person because I am a parent.
My desire for comfort and prominence are a never ending machine that will never be satisfied.
I want new furniture.
I want a new kitchen.
I want to sleep through the night and take naps on a fairly regular basis.
I want to be successful.
I want to be noticed for my giftings and talents.
I want quiet.
I want to go to a restaurant without apologizing for the mess on the floor.
I want my home to stay clean.
I want to read a book, all day long.
I could go on, but I think you see. I, I, I. Me, Me, Me.
I don't have to work to be like this. I just am. I have to work to NOT be like this. The kids just help me see it ALL DAY LONG. EVERY DAY OF MY LIFE.
I have to say that it isn't just having children though. If you are going to care about others at all, ever and learn to put others needs above your own, I promise you will have an uphill battle.
The truth is, we could be seedless. We could let our lives continue to be filled with very little trouble or inconvenience. We could pad our life in such a way that nothing disturbs our space or time with its loud announcement that we are not actually the epicentre of the universe. Or we could press into the inconvenience. We could understand that fighting for our own rights really just makes us fussy, angry people in the end anyway.
Maybe this is why Jesus said in Luke 17:33
"Whoever seeks to save his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life will preserve it."
I feel the press in me all the time. Will I seek to save my life - or the way of life that I think will bring me the most joy? Or will I allow myself to give my life, my time, my gifts, my value, to others and trust that my needs will be met as I meet the needs of others?
I value life. I especially value four particular miracles that can, at times, cause me a great amount of discomfort. But I will not be seedless just for the sake of a few more naps every month.
I pray that we will all take a few minutes to look at the "inconveniences" in our life and see if they are put there to make us into the person we actually want to be.