you know what i think should burn calories? saying no to calories! I was in costco today and i walked right down that aisle that has all of the large quantities of all things yummy and i said a big, fat (no pun intended), no to all of it. i think that should count as like a good jog, or at least a moderate walk around the neighbourhood.
while we are talking about food and overcoming things...i made two meals with fish in them this week. yup - two. that makes it two more than any fish i have made since we have been married. i think i am a fish phobe. it is not like i don't like it at restaurants, but making it is a whole other kettle of you know what. but i did, yes i did. i made two dishes with fish just like Dr. oz told me to. and they tasted good. what did i make you ask? well, let me tell tacos - and fish and chips. in case you are getting ready to tsk-tsk me, they were both healthy versions of these meals.
i think i should burn more calories for walking through the valley of chocolate almonds and licorice, and for making fish.
i am just saying.
Amen Sister!