Jesus was approached by a man with leprosy and the man simply says "Jesus, if you are willing, make me clean" Jesus says "I am willing". Matthew 8:1-3
it just struck me today. He is willing.
He is willing to reach out to my bruised emotions, to my unbelieving heart, to the places of my life that have been eroded by the leprosy of the world we live in.
He is willing.
isn't it a great question that the man asked? i wonder if he thought he was being polite. "if you don't mind, it is a bit uncomfortable to have my fingers falling off, it would be wonderful if you could find it in your heart to take a moment and shake some of your kingdom power on me. you are awesome, i know you can, but will you? will you for me?
for me, i suppose it is not so much a physical thing. it is more an internal job and i don't want to be a whiner, you know, someone who plays the victim. but yes, i struggle with unbelief, fear and anxiety. it may not be a disease in my flesh, but it is eating my heart alive. it kills the faith i want to have and reduced my desperation into a polite little request from one who has forgotten in the midst of it that He is for me.
I can see Him. smiling, reaching, a light in His eyes. "Yes, I am willing. and i will cure more than your body. I will remind you that I care about you - and I haven't forgotten about you" There is no rebuke, not with this one.
thanks Lord for the sweet reminder that each of us are in your heart and you know how to love each of us, right where we are.
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