Sunday, July 4, 2010

the little moments

it is easy to forget, that it will not always be like this. that emma will not wake me with little coos, that she will not giggle just so and squeeze her hands together like she is in love for the first time - she will not always be small enough to pull out of her car seat sound asleep, and let me carry her sweet smelling self into the house to put her to bed.

i get tired and busy and forget sometimes that it will not always be like this.

these moments are the ones i will remember when she goes to school for the first time, or the first time she has a crush on a boy, or when she graduates, and (jesus help us) when she gets married. i know i will ache for that little moment when i got to snuggle my little girl and put her to bed.

so i look at her now, with her hair in yesterday's ponytail, making a mess of the living room for the first of 5 or so times today, and i love her so much it hurts.

these moments go by so fast, and there is no slowing them down. only living in them while they are here. so, sitting here in my pajamas, earlier than i want to be awake, i celebrate this little moment and the joy she brings me. parenting is the ride of our lives, and we have just begun.

time to go play on the floor with our little wonder.  

1 comment:

  1. Well there you have it. The cycle goes on. In a few days it will have been forty years since you were the object of those same thoughts and feelings. Those most special and privileged days when I too looked down on my second born with wonder and some trepidation but remember reveling in the moment. I read today that the greatest piece of advice Warren Buffet had to give was to try to walk in unconditional love. It wasn't about money or how to make a great deal, it was simply "love unconditionally". That is what you are feeling-Isn't it wonderful. Love you Wart.
