i read that phrase in a devotional a few years ago. the premise behind the quote was taken from the story of Moses when he killed the Egyptian. he couldn't hide what he had done, the sand would reveal his secret.
no one is getting away with anything.
there are days when it seems like God is turning a blind eye to injustice, suffering or mistreatment. but He is not. He is having His way within the heart of man.
nothing purifies like a scorching wind of unfair treatment, or a round of betrayal. it hurts and every fibre in our being cries out for someone to notice that we are being abused or accused for things we don't feel we deserve.
but if it is unjust, unfair, a treatment based in dishonesty or spite - He will come, and defend and rescue us in due season. just when the hardship has had it's perfect way in us.
He watches, and waits to see if we will take things into our own hands, fight for our rights and demand a hearing. and He is waiting to see if we will respond like His Son. Jesus never defended Himself. He made Himself nothing, so we could have everything. Like a lamb lead to the slaughter, He never opened His mouth.
I can't imagine it - I think I would have called a press conference and made sure that everyone knew who i was and why it was a really, really bad idea to mess with me.
But, of course, He didn't.
That kind of perfection and trust would have been quite a sight.
and in the end, the truth always comes out. I bet those Pharisees slept great that night "Finally, we got rid of that trouble maker",
So, i submit and leave room for the process to change me, humble me, make me more like Him. Let the sand reveal it's secrets, and start with me. search me and know me Lord - let me look and sound like you and help me to not fight the process you have chosen for me.
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