Monday, December 13, 2010

we do not labor in vain

the day has arrived my friends. i am going to have this baby. right now, i am between contractions and waiting to go back to the hospital. so far, this experience is like none other. the pain is very intense, but then it stops and it is like..."hmmm, what should i do...vacuum, jump over a building?" but when the contraction is hitting there is the very distinct smell of gunpowder in the air and it feels like some cartoonish villain is hiding behind some barrel ready to hit the ignite button that is located in my lower abdomen.


My water broke on Saturday, and now it is monday. i didn't know that my water broke. i was sure i had just wet my pants, like, 4 times. pregnancy is always changing, so i just thought that the baby had rolled onto my bladder and decided to stay there for a little bit. last night the nurse kept saying "yes, there is proof of ruptured membranes" and i kept saying "is that good, is that normal?' we were not connecting, this nurse and I. when she was saying ruptured membranes what she was saying was "yes, your water broke". thank goodness for shawn who was able to translate and tell me that it is normal and good.

my nurse. let me just throw out this was 1 in the morning and i was in pain. however, when a gruff MATERNITY nurse walks in during a contraction and says "what brings you in tonight?" i have to suck back every sarcastic and biting comeback that is sitting right at the back of my tongue. what i did say was something like "well, i think i am going to have a baby". anyway, she got better as the evening went on, and then she gave me morphine, so now we are best friends.

the good news is, she is off duty now.

the bad news is, she comes back at 7. and i don't know when i am going to be ready to actually deliver, so she may be there for the whole shooting match.

but pretty soon, i am going to be having intense contractions and the Apostle Paul could walk in the room and I may not notice.

so, here is the status...they sent me home at 4 AM with morphine. i have slept and the contractions have slowed down. it is now almost 1 PM and now we are waiting for the contractions to kick back in full gear so we can go back to the hospital and have a baby.

today, at some point, or tomorrow morning in the early hours, i should have a baby.

this moment that i have dreamed about for my whole life is about to happen.

to me.

and i can't wait to meet this baby. i can't wait to see what parts look like shawn and what parts look like me.

and i get to go through all of the milestones again. and emma gets a little brother or sister. what an amazing, amazing opportunity.

thank you Jesus. thank you.

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