who knew that the handsome prince would be most romantic when he whispers those little words in the early hours of the morning "I'll get her this time". and then he proceeds to roll out of bed and comfort our little girl.
who knew that this would be better than roses?
of course i lived under that evasive dream looking for the knight in shining armour. i found him, or he found me, and we are living our own version of happily ever after. hollywood has tricked us into thinking that romance is this hyped up version of sexuality wrapped up in a six pack.
give me a little bit of a belly wrapped up in a gentle heart any day.
we will be married for seven years this april. when i write that, it sounds like a short time. but in that time, we have lived in two homes, walked through two adoptions (one that happened and another that fell through), multiple fertility treatments (some that didn't work, one that ended in miscarriage, and one that ended with Alina Joy joining our family), been ordained as pastors, and watched my beautiful mom lose her two year battle with cancer.
and those were just the big events. that is not even including the vacations, the financial ups and downs, or the day to day running of life.
so, let hollywood keep their collagen filled lips and perfect teeth. they can't touch what we have right here in our mediocre bodies and moderate income.
all of this is to say that it is only possible to live happily ever after on a day to day basis. and all romance flows out of making the mundane an adventure.
we are living our happily ever after. in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, there is no one i would rather spend my days with.
and that, my friends, is very romantic.
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