it started innocently enough. shawn was going to maple valley (just outside of seattle) for a few days so i was going to go and visit my family in mill creek on monday (also just outside of seattle, just different directions). i have to say that looking back, i might have noticed something was wrong. i was in quite a bit of pain on sunday, but honestly we change so much during pregnancy i just thought it was another preggo thing so i laid down and my pain went away. thankfully, i have wonderful people in my life that were able to come over and help me with my kiddos.
monday morning, still a little bit of pain but nothing like it was before so i packed and managed to get myself and my two girls to my sister's house in Mill Creek. when i got there i told my dad "i just need to stretch out a bit and lay down". the pain had kicked in for real now.
to make a long story short, i spent the next 4 hours writhing on the floor in pure agony - trying to find some way that i could sit, lay or stand that would make the pain go away.
thankfully, shawn was coming up for dinner that night so i finally called him back to the room that i had been in. and we decided that we needed to go to the hospital.
and that began the longest part of the journey. that 22 minute ride to the hospital felt like an hour (at least). the pain was localized now right at the top of my abdomen, like knives jumping in and out of my tummy. this is not a good feeling when you are pregnant with twins. there was so much uncertainty.
so, they checked the babies first while i continued to deal with the pain i was in - the good news was, the babies were fine and no chance of pre-term labor. the nurse there asked me "on a scale of 1-10 what is your pain level? 1 being a stubbed toe and 10 being 'rip my arms out without anesthetic' ". my answer "9".
then...sweet relief...they gave me drugs. thank you Jesus for drugs (am I allowed to say that?)
we were transported back to ER and they started trying to figure out what was happening with me. so we got into a room and sat, and sat and sat. my dad came with shawn and i, and it was actually kind of nice to visit with him while we were waiting for news. i was on drugs so i felt great by then.
by 4 AM we had been pulled into an ultrasound, and i had blood drawn. all to find our long awaited diagnosis...pancreatitis due to gallstones. i had a gall stone stuck in the artery between the pancreas and the gall bladder.
and my numbers were off the charts, literally. the high for the whatever thing they were looking for is usually around 500. mine came in at 46,000. the doctors couldn't believe that i was still functioning. one doctor actually compared what i had been through to a car accident - in other words, very serious.
so, now i have gallstones, isn't that weird?
gallstones are primarily hereditary i was told. had anyone in my family had gallstones? and here is where it was really handy that my dad was there. he said "don't you remember grandpa's ashtray?" ummm, no. apparently my grandfather was so proud of his gallstones that he had them made into an ashtray. thats interesting family news at 3 AM. maybe i will look into that when all is said and done. you never know when you may need a gall stone ashtray.
by 5 AM, they had admitted me, drugged me and tucked me into bed.
so, there i was, in the hospital - it was so surreal. i missed my girls, and i had tubes and wires stuck all over me. BUT let me just say..the hospital staff was amazing. all day, everyday, they would file through with so much sensitivity and kindness it was overwhelming. they equipped me and cared for me, and made me feel like i was more than a number, but a person that mattered. i loved those people!
the pain is gone now, and i have to eat very little fat - i guess the gall bladder deals with fat and spits it out, but in this case it would also spit out stones. so i will be creative with my cooking until the babies come, then it sounds like i will have my gall bladder out.
it is a marvel to me that we can live without one of the organs we were born with, but they assure me that it can be done. and who knows, i may just make an ashtray out of those stones!
the best news is that all of our bills will be covered under our travel insurance -whew!
so, that was my week...hope yours wasn't so eventful!
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