Tuesday, February 14, 2012

not quite what i expected for valentines day

i have not been sick with the flu since i don't know when...maybe when i was a teenager? but boy howdy! i got hit on sunday with some kind of horrific bug that rendered me completely powerless.

i was out for coffee with a friend, and here was the first mistake of the day...i ate chill for lunch. if i had only known that i was going to be sick i would have definitely avoided that little choice! my poor friend, there we were sitting and visiting and then i kind of knew...something is not right. so i warned her, if i pop up and leave, this is why. and sure enough in a few minutes i was more intimate with that coffee shop's bathroom than i wanted to be.

i HATE being sick. ewww it is just so gross and humiliating.

so, now two days later, six pounds lighter and a few hours of fluids in my tummy, i am getting better. i was a little worried about the two sprouts growing in me so i went to the maternity ward today to make sure all was well and the little ones survived the ordeal of the past few days.  of course, they are fine. the nurses assured me that they take what they need and leave the rest for me. now if that isn't a metaphor for parenting i don't know what is.

my poor husband. he kept looking at me like "i am not sure what to do here". he has been sick once or twice, but i have never been that sick in our eight years of marriage. so, halfway through the day yesterday he just said "don't die ok?". ok, i won't die.

here is the good thing though - when you get sick like that, you kind of have to focus on what is most important, like taking care of yourself and your family. my head had been spinning on quite a few levels for a week or so. i needed to get some clarity on some fuzzy issues, and you know, when just getting  up and walking around is an accomplishment, it makes things come into focus in a hurry.

so, between the very good coffee date with my friend - she brought some great perspective - and focusing on just getting well, sometime in the middle of that, my brain settled down and i have new clarity on the issues that were running like little hamsters in my head. (i am thinking now that i wish i didn't need to get the flu to sort all of this out, but it is what it is)

and for valentines day, i have a day to rest in my house since the girls are at grandma's and shawn is at work. and as for romance, a husband that looks at me when i have no make up on, i am a slight shade of green and says "i love you" - is quite enough for me.

so, happy valentines day all. and just a side note, i still think that valentines is a big scheme to make single people feel like they are missing out. so, if you are single be encouraged - there is much more to romance than a nice dinner out with roses - that is the least of the things you can look forward to once you find someone to love you til death do you part. hang out with your friends and enjoy the memories you have now...they are priceless too.

how is that for a very eclectic blog? here's to health and true romance!

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