Thursday, November 3, 2011

come upon and overtake you

i used to claim this deuteronomy 28:1-2 

1 Now it shall be, if you diligently obey the LORD your God, being careful to do all His commandments which I command you today, the LORD your God will set you high above all the nations of the earth. 2 All these blessings will come upon you and overtake you if you obey the LORD your God"

and goodness, it has happened. 

I am overtaken with toys and noise and a bustling house. and there is not a day that goes by that i don't remember the emptiness, the hollow sound of loneliness. The crying, the hoping, wishing and dreaming.

it is the simple things: I used to have cold feet in my little single bed, all night long. and now, i have a warm husband to tuck my cold feet under - and he is even a willing victim!

and my kiddo's...they want me, they need me, they delight in me. and they are the delight of my heart. we were so grateful to be married, but we missed little footsteps in fuzzy jammies running all over our house.

and now, every morning, i hear the "da, da, da, whooooo" from alina, and the "mommy, come and get-choo" from emma. (this is what we taught her to do as an alternative to crying until we came for her in the morning. we actually told her to say "mommy, daddy, come and get me" but she came up with her own version)

it is so hard to wait, so, so hard to wait. but what happened? He made it all beautiful in His time.

nothing is the same.

car rides are not the same. alina has "joy spasms" which means that out of no where she just yells until she  gags herself. she is not mad, or crying, she is just "singing". emma doesn't appreciate it, so she joins in with her own blood curdling scream - and we drive, somewhat helpless because alina doesn't understand Shhhh. and Emma doesn't really understand that alina does things that she is not allowed to do.

so we just have to laugh. it is our blessing, coming upon us and overtaking us. and making us deaf.

and i might as well tell you that we have another one coming.

yes, that means three under three by next summer.

My God, help me. running after these promises is a lot of work!

and now i am running with morning sickness and a crazy kind of tiredness.

but i wouldn't trade it for the world, no i wouldn't.

my tsunami of promises, that is how i see it. it is abundant and beautiful. and again, i am so grateful.

(if you are waiting for your promises - hang in there - and in the meantime...sleep. because when they come you may never sleep again!)

1 comment:

  1. KERI!! I am laughing and so happy for you. Life is a wild adventure, eh? May He strengthen you through this tsunami of blessing. : )
