Sunday, November 27, 2011


i laugh a bit when i see the title of my last post. and forgive me for not writing sooner, you see, a few days after i posted about being overtaken by blessings, i found out that i am pregnant....with twins.

i just can't stop laughing.

i am totally overwhelmed, overtaken, over my head, over the top. just over all over.

if you read my blog, or know me at all, you must know that there were many days that i didn't think that we would ever know what it was to have one child. and now! we are going to have FOUR!

i was praying one day and asking for new strength in our waiting season - and the Lord told me "i don't waste money". that may sound a little too earthly for the Lord of the universe to say - but listen. we didn't pay ONE DIME for our in vitro process. we were given every cent - and let me tell you it is expensive. so when He said that he doesn't waste money, i think what He meant was - "lots of people trusted me, and believed that I would do this for you, so i am not going to let that investment go to waste"

so if you gave us any money, or prayed for us even once - you can just join in the laugh and the blessing - we have all of you to thank.

our brains are exploding with logistics and planning. but our dreams are coming true - and we have a new mini-van to prove it.

i will resume more blogging when i am not so blooming tired. all this blooming is exhausting.
